User stories say what you want to do. Use cases include the steps involved in the "how" of doing it. So user stories give a higher level pass of the functionality, leaving the details for elsewhere.
Allow me to elaborate. First, use cases. They are defined here as "A description of steps or actions between a user (or "agent") and a software system which lead the user towards something useful."
The key word here is "steps". They are pinning down not only the result, but the high-level steps involved. And they can range from a paragraph to an entire document.
User Stories on the other hand, tend to encapsulate who's using it and what they want. The standard form is usually "As X, I want to do Y", sometimes with a "so that Z" added on. Role, goal, and sometimes benefit. Short and to the point, and like I mentioned with use cases, they leave the how as a later design decision, which I think is why agile development usually uses them. More flexible that way.
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