Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The difference between use cases and user stories

User stories say what you want to do. Use cases include the steps involved in the "how" of doing it. So user stories give a higher level pass of the functionality, leaving the details for elsewhere.

Allow me to elaborate. First, use cases. They are defined here as "A description of steps or actions between a user (or "agent") and a software system which lead the user towards something useful."
The key word here is "steps". They are pinning down not only the result, but the high-level steps involved. And they can range from a paragraph to an entire document.

User Stories on the other hand, tend to encapsulate who's using it and what they want. The standard form is usually "As X, I want to do Y", sometimes with a "so that Z" added on. Role, goal, and sometimes benefit. Short and to the point, and like I mentioned with use cases, they leave the how as a later design decision, which I think is why agile development usually uses them. More flexible that way.

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